Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen Law Offices

• Neocity Tower •

• Bucharest, ROMANIA •

• 1.100 sqm GA •

• 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Floors •

“Lawyer’s office is his sanctuary” the client says. The office NNDKP has as epigraph the logo “Building bridges”. The phrase was used as concept for fitting out, too. The client had, in an excellent contact with the architect, a decisive attitude.

Specific needs for “representation” leaded to the location in the present day of the classic image, conservative, with aristocratic atmosphere of the attorney office; thus, paneling with new materials (laminated and satiny metal) remembers about the warmth and nobility of wood carvings, while materials like elastic membranes and natural stones, combined with the indirect light, offer accent and give the time’s measure where we are.

The paintings, part of the work, are a bridge between the cultures, artistic gesture for defining “the place”.




  • arhitect Paul Razvan PUCHICI – autor si coordonator
  • arhitect Felix TUE – coautor si coordonator santier
Plastic artist

Sergiu LALUT


inginer Radu CORNEA / LEGO CON